Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder




 ERCIAN TESTAMENT, the Guide to Proligion


Our Nation and the world need Union now more than ever! We need a world populated by people with integrity and moral principles, followers of the truth and the good ideas, people who can build prosperous economies, healthy nations, and enlightened societies living in peace with one another.

What kind of religion is the Ercian Religion?

I will tell you what I believe in, and I encourage others to do the same because, in my opinion, they are good for creating a free and peaceful society.

I believe in America and those beautiful words contained in our Declaration of Independence. I believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, that among the natural and inalienable religious rights God has given us are the right to freedom of thought, the right to freedom of expression, the right to freedom of orderly assembly, the right to worship according to our beliefs, and the right to bear arms to protect ourselves, our families and our possessions.

The Ercian Religion is for independent thinkers, people who are willing to acquire the education, the knowledge and the logical skills necessary to make religious, spiritual, moral, and ethical decisions on their own, avoiding thus the need to “conform” to the dictates or opinions of a group due to peer pressure and fear of ostracism.

An Ercian builds a personal religious experience with God. Ercians do not answer to a Pope, to me, the Founder of the religion, or to anybody else. There are no priests or ministers. It is all between you and God.

You can worship from the comfort of your own home, or from wherever you may find yourself. The universe is God's creation, God's Temple. Earth is God's Temple. Wherever you are, whether in a city, a beach, a mountain, a dessert or on the North Pole, God is with you. 

Ercians are responsible for their own thoughts and actions. If things go wrong due to bad decisions, no one else is to blame.

To choose your beliefs and values, Ercians are free to read any book, religious or not, that has been written by man. Ercians can incorporate into their worship aspects from their native religious identity and experience, whatever that may be. 

People of all faiths are welcome into the Ercian experience because we believe in Proligion. We believe in Union. We choose to be united through knowledge, not remain separated because of our beliefs.

EllaEl would understand your unique approach to worship, because we believe EllaEl is a good loving God, not a despot.  

Ercians may find themselves in opposite camps regarding politics or subjects in other fields. If that is the case, may the best well-reasoned arguments win the day, always remembering that “TRUTH is the Supreme Ercian Value, which in turn requires the personal honesty and integrity of those who think of themselves as Ercians.

DISCLAIMER: the Ercian Religion is a product of my own philosophical, religious and spiritual journey. I make it public so that others may benefit from my thoughts and experiences should they find them good and useful.

It is the reader’s full and complete responsibility to “choose” what to believe, how to think and what to do. Readers with age under 18 should consult family members or people they trust before deciding to become an Ercian. 

The domain name is necessary to have an address for this educational religious website, but it does not represent a corporation (profit or non-profit) or legal entity. I, Joseph Marchante, am the sole owner of the website.

Steps necessary to become an ERCIAN

1) Read all pages of this Ercian website in which you will find all the guidance I can give you as to how I have proceeded with my self-directed philosophical, religious and spiritual quest of many years. How you will direct your own religious and spiritual journey is up to you.

2) Accept and follow our "Core Beliefs." See the first page on this website.

3) OPTIONAL: consider buying my book “Ercian Testament” with the subtitle “The Teachings of Proligion and Ercian Philosophy” available in 

In addition to written material not included in this website, the book contains a step-by-step account of the sound logical arguments which lead to the inevitable conclusion that ERC, our “Ultimate” and "Foundational" God is not a “personal” Creator.

4) If, to the best of your mental capacity, you believe the Ercian account of the nature of God constitutes knowledge or, if not knowledge, then the best-reasoned argument available as to how God exists, then accept ERC as the Infinite Source and Ultimate God and ELLAEL as your Personal God and Holy Self.

5) DECLARE YOURSELF AN ERCIAN! Formalize your declaration by making it public, whether by telling another person, or by speaking the words when in meditation or communion with God. It is all between you and God.

Remember God gave us minds. As long as we are honest and sincere using our minds and reaching conclusions, such as, "I think the Ercian concept of God makes sense, and I choose it as my own," God will understand. EllaEl will understand.

Since we are not an "organized" religion, there are no records of the people who have chosen to become Ercians. Therefore, how many Ercians are on Earth, only EllaEl knows!

I worship from home, and I have written a short book to guide those who want to become Ercians on how to do it. The title of the guide is "How to Practice the Ercian Religion," and it is available on Searching for my name, "Joseph Marchante," is probably the fastest way of finding the guide.

That is all. If you have followed these steps and declared yourself an Ercian, now you are an Ercian BUT IN NAME ONLY.

Living a life dedicated to Truth, good principles and values, determines whether you or I or any other Ercian has truly lived up to those standards and worked as a positive and productive influence in our world. We are flawed beings, not perfect by any means, but we can always try to be the best we can be.


Thank you and God Bless!

Joseph Marchante

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante                                            

