Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder







Truth is the supreme value. Without truth, we have nothing. Truth demands honesty, a virtue that can be called by other names: sincerity, integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, frankness, candor and openness.

Without honesty in human communications, we have deceit and misinformation. Nothing is what it seems. 

Without honesty from politicians, there is no true representation of the People. The nation suffers the consequences. 

Without honesty in the presentation of news by the media, citizens make bad decisions based on false or misleading information. This is especially important during elections.

Without honesty on the part of educators, harmful ideologies infect the minds of our youth, and of any adults trying to find guidance.

Without honesty on the part of religious leaders, the masses have inaccurate concepts of God believing their religion brings them the Word of our Infinite and Ultimate God ERC while they are only reading or listening to the words of human beings which many times can be good and constructive, but which too often lead to death and destruction. 

Instead of promoting peace and progress for all, a proligious endeavor, these religious divisions lead to wars and conflicts, and to fanatics committing terrorist acts and mass murder with the great excuse that they are carrying out the work of God. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The main values I believe Ercians should live by are love, knowledge, and courage. To love others should be our first philosophy. However, loving our enemies is unwise. We should fight and overcome those who would do us harm.  

Knowledge is essential in the world. Get an education. Find the facts. Trust your senses, especially your mind when using sound logical arguments.  Beliefs are plenty and unreliable. Knowledge is unique and dependable. 

Courage is the last main value or quality that I have chosen and that we should strive for. In times of trouble and in times of grief, when we need to fight, when we need to mourn, when the world is cold and the sun has disappeared from the heavens, call upon courage to lift you up and do whatever it is that you must do. Let ELLAEL and the personal power God granted you as a human being give you the necessary strength.

The main values I believe necessary in a society are truth, goodness, and justice.

In addition to truth in religion which I have expounded on already, a good society needs truth in politics, truth in racial relations, and truth in personal relationships especially within the family: without these we are lost. 

The media plays an integral role here. The public depends on the media to oversee and supervise what is going on with the government and society. When the media is mostly made up of biased activists who think they know better than you, that is bad for society. When instead of just reporting the facts as they would appear to an honest reasonable impartial observer, they interpret events in a way that always favors a particular party or ideology, that is bad for society. 

We need an ideologically well-balanced body of journalists to bring us the news. And please, do not lie to us with a straight face. Do not tell us you are telling us the truth when people who have a certain level of intelligence know different.

Societal communication needs to be clear, concise and precise whenever possible. Lies and untruths are false communications that lead us in wrong directions, especially if these lies lead to passing laws that negatively affect the welfare of the People. 

I did not forget truth in advertising, but in a capitalist society it is not easy to hold back that demon. Needless to say, parties to commercial transactions should deal with each other fairly and ethically.

Although hard to measure, goodness in a society can be sensed. For example, one can go to cities where people are rude and unfriendly, and one can go to cities or smaller towns where people are much more welcoming and courteous. You feel good in the latter places and not so good in the others.  

More to the point, if we want a good society, then let us acquire better social manners. Seek what is good for you but, whenever possible, let that end up being good for others also. Be fair. Be reasonable. A dog-eat-dog world is not my idea of an Ercian world. I believe dogs can bark to the same tune when they have goodness in their hearts.

The last societal value I try to illustrate is justice, but we have a big problem here. There are those who scream and protest for Justice but do so without having truth and goodness in their hearts. This is especially true when it comes to accusations of racism directed at police officers, at people of the white race in general or directed to the country as a whole, the so-called "systemic racism" nonsense.

Are some police officers bad? YES, so bring those to Justice and support the other 99.9999% who are good cops trying to do a good job arresting criminals and keeping law and order in the streets of our cities. 

At the same time, do not condone the actions of people who disrespect our laws, refuse to follow the directions of police officers when stopped and often resist arrest. If unwanted and unintended harm comes to those individuals in the course of a struggle, do not let those who make their living out of creating racial division label them as "martyrs" of some kind. 

People who act arrogantly and defiant when approached by a police officer are prejudiced and have been brainwashed by those who have power agendas, political or ideological. They are victims of systemic indoctrination by race hustlers and those members of the media who have been indoctrinated themselves or who follow their own power agenda especially if it helps obtain higher ratings.

 The words "Law and Order" and "Proligion" both share the same numerical value in the Chart of Six, the number 690. Is that a wild coincidence or do you think common sense and the combined wisdom of civilized societies dictate that for Justice to be served and for the people to be protected, there must exist Law and Order.

Respect the law. If a law is found to be unjust, then change it through proper channels but in the meantime, respect it. You may protest it if you think it is unjust but do so peacefully. We place police officers on the streets to bring order to our society. Prosecute those who abuse their power but otherwise respect them and support them. If you are the one to bring disorder to our society, do not complain when our justice system does what it must do. 

A final word regarding racial relations, remember Martin Luther King’s words that people should be judged by their character and not by the color of their skin. I totally agree, so become people of good character or don't complain when you break the law and are arrested.

Those who clamor for racial justice are wrong when they say that the majority of whites are racists, and that the majority of cops are out to kill black people. This is false. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States TWICE, and that would not have happened if a majority of whites had been bigots. 

Of course, there are many other good values and ideas that can make a person or a society better, but this piece of writing does not intend to be all-encompassing. Follow the good ideas wherever you find them. Although I criticize other religions for claiming they carry the Word of God, there is much to be learned in the analysis of stories in the Holy Bible and other religious books. 

I admire and respect the spirit of those who brought those teachings and examples to humankind. I would not mind it at all if at the time of my death, some Catholic priest or Protestant minister recited, "The Lord is my Shepherd...yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil...etc." Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful words which I would wholeheartedly embrace having said in my final hours.

God bless all of you! May you live your lives like good brothers and sisters by embracing good values.

Joseph Marchante

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante