Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder





          In the period between December 12th and December 20th,1985, after having had many 444 sightings or experiences in the prior weeks AFTER finishing writing my first manuscript "The Eternal Testament and Station Earth," something came over me...

and to explain what happened, I quote from my 1992 book, The Book of ERC: 

"During this period, I do not know what came over me, but my behavior at the time reminds me of the man who started to build 'The Mound' in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

          In short, I purchased Plasticine clay of different colors and made twelve Earthballs. Physically, Earthballs are made out of modern clay like what school children use to play and learn about the world. They can be made of different sizes and show sort of a "rainbow-like" mix of different colors after kneading.


          Spiritually, the Earthballs are Power and Magic. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven belong to children. I interpret that as meaning that those who look at the world with innocent eyes and without preconceptions have a better chance to come up with new ideas and solutions to our problems. 

The symbolic meaning of the process of molding an Earthball is that we can mold our world into a better world with the power and magic of our ideas and actions.

          The Earthballs represent Good Ideas, Values and Forces that we must understand and personify if we are to succeed. 

To understand these values, we must learn to philosophize so that we know both intellectually and emotionally what they mean. When an issue is up for discussion, we can analyze it in terms of each Earthball value. This will broaden our perspective and help us make better decisions. 

The names of the Earthballs are derived from a source name, the name ENSENTADO. Note that the entry "Ensentado," has the same numerical value in the Chart of Six as the entry "Earth Leader," the number 582. 

On a particular night, out of Mindspace that name came to me, and it can be a planetary Mantra, a mantra selected and used to save the race and the planet from doom if that is possible and if such destiny does not conflict with what God's Nature has in store for us. When confirming appointments, medical or otherwise, I always add the words, "God Willing!"

Now, I present to you, the names, relations and descriptions of the Earthballs:

First Earthball: ESEN Value represented: WISDOM.


I am ESEN. I come from Infinity. I hold the Key to Infinite Wisdom. I am in God.

Second Earthball: DASEN Value represented: PEACE & LOVE.


I am DASEN. I come from Earth. I am the Keeper of the Dove of Peace and Love. I answer to ESEN.

Third Earthball: ODTA Value represented: LEADERSHIP.


I am ODTA. I come from Earth. I am the Warrior and Chief of the Ercian Tribe. I answer to SENT.

Fourth Earthball: SENT Value represented: CREATIVITY.


I am SENT. I come from Earth, Mindspace and Infinity. I am the Messenger and the Mediator. I am the New Philosopher who transcends Reason and Emotion. I am the Magician of the Rainbow. I am in God.

Fifth Earthball: DO Value represented: REASON.

Verse: I am DO. I come from Mindspace. I am Reason. I answer to Logic.

Sixth Earthball: NE Value represented: EMOTION.

Verse: I am NE. I come from Mindspace. I am Emotion. I answer to Justice.

Seventh Earthball: TE Value represented: FREEDOM.


I am TE. I come from Mindspace. I am Freedom. I am for the Spirit of ESEN.

Eighth Earthball: NA Value represented: RESPONSIBILITY.

Verse: I am NA. I come from Mindspace. I am Responsibility. I am for the Spirit of DASEN.

Ninth Earthball: SON Value represented: COURAGE.


I am SON. I come from Mindspace. I am Courage. I am for the Spirit of ODTA.

Tenth Earthball: DA Value represented: KNOWLEDGE.

Verse: I am DA. I come from Mindspace. I am Knowledge. I am in the Spirit of Truth, for the Spirit of DO.

Eleventh Earthball: SE Value represented: HUMILITY.

Verse: I am SE. I come from Mindspace. I am Humility. I am in the Spirit of Equality, for the Spirit of SENT.

Twelfth Earthball: TO Value represented: HONESTY.

Verse: I am TO. I come from Mindspace. I am Honesty. I am in the Spirit of Truth, for the Spirit of NE.

Music and Earthballs: to capture "the Spirit" of ESEN, DASEN, ODTA and SENT, I listened to music which, in my opinion, projected "the essence" of each of these Earthballs. They are gone now after all these years, but at the time I made tape cassettes with music from the following artists:

ESEN: Mozart

DASEN: Stevie Wonder "Songs in the Key of Life" 

(TAMLA T-13-340c2)

ODTA: Michael Olatunji "Drums of Passsion" African


SENT Kitaro "Astral Voyage" (GEFFEN RECORDS)

If we are successful, legend will say that The Four Riders of the Unycorn led the Ercian Tribe into battle against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

ESEN carried the Key to Infinite Wisdom. 

DASEN carried a cage which protected the Dove of Peace and Love. 

ODTA carried a drum which he banged repeatedly to call the Tribe to action. 

SENT carried the Magic Basket which contained Earthballs and other mysterious essences and entities to be used as weapons.

As they rode, one could hear the beautiful sounds of a musical scale: "DO - NE - TE - NA - SON - DA - SE - TO," "TO - SE - DA- SON - NA - TE - NE - DO," "DO - NE - TE - NA - SON - DA- SE - TO," "TO - SE - DA - SON - NA - TE - NE - DO," up and down, up and down, The Unycorn gathering momentum as the Tribe approached the Moment of Truth.

When that Moment came, ODTA yelled "ENSENTADO!!!" ......and our future became History.

May the Ercian Kingdom of God be with you!

Joseph Marchante

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante