Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder






Did I wake up one day and decided to create a new religion? No. Back in the late 1960's and early 1970's I was fully involved in the so called "rat race," working as Division Head for B.T. (Bankers Trust) Bradford Stock Services in New York, attending business classes at N.Y.U. and, in general, doing what many Cuban refugees seeking freedom and leaving Fidel Castro's socialist dictatorship behind did after arriving in this great country, trying to get ahead and make a good life for one's family. 


Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living" and one day it hit me, I had jumped on the train of life and never stopped to think about where I was going or what life was all about, you know, the big questions. 

Two things ignited this realization. First, my loving father had had a couple of heart attacks, and it got me to thinking about death. Then, watching a series of documentaries "The World at War" about World War II and the Jewish Holocaust, it got me to think about where God was when these heinous crimes were being committed against the Jewish people.


Making a long story short, an intellectual hunger came over me. I began to doubt the concept of God I had learned in Catholic School at the Maristas Brothers in Cuba. Between the mid 1970's and 1985 when I wrote my first manuscript, I devoured books on religion, philosophy and the sciences, trying to find the truth.


Whatever indirect evidence I "may" have of the existence of a dimension, planet, or place named by me the Kingdom of ELLAEL, it came a week after I finished "The Eternal Testament and Station Earth," my first manuscript, published August 24, 1985, registered September 30, 1985, Copyright Registration number TX-1-665-504.

That evidence came through a series of, what I call "sightings" or "encounters" with the number 444. You can learn the detailed story in my book "Ercian Testament," but in a few words I came to the realization that the number was "special" and that perhaps my mission in life was more important than what I had thought was just a personal journey of discovery.


After noting the number to be of some special significance, I started doing research trying to find out what it meant. It took me three years, from 1985 to 1988 to find the answer, which came in a numerical formula I found in a book "The Phoenix Returns, Liberation Begins," in which the author uses the English alphabet to the power of the number 6. The author found that the word "computer" added up to 666 using the formula but did not apply the formula to any other entries.

The first thing I did that day when I got home was put the formula to the test. The first name was "Jesus," and it added up to 444. I got goose bumps knowing I had found a connection. The second name was "Lucifer" and it also added up to 444. Now, that bothered me.

Paper holds everything, things that are true and false. Number one, Jesus was a good man if we believe the accounts of his life. His Gospel was one of love, not hate. Number two, I do not believe the devil exists. I cannot conceive of a good powerful God allowing some being to lead his children into temptation.

As I kept working the Chart, these were other 444 entries: "Jewish" "Messiah" "Cross." Who else but Jesus would fit that description.

By the way, "Muhammad" is also 444. I believe that is how Muslims refer to Mohammed. To them, the Koran is referred to as te Quran, I believe.


I “worked” the formula for 4 years or so, and in 1992 I published (privately – only a few copies around) “The Book of ERC,” registered 31Aug92, Copyright registration number TXu-535-496.  I do not recommend this book for reading because it was written by brainstorming and associating ideas, and in addition to what was good, there was a lot of nonsense, as if a person with mental problems had written it.

The book I wrote in 2005, published in 2010, "Ercian Testament" is a good book, a book I am proud of.

Apparently, my account of the 444 number got around and a few years later other people wrote books regarding this number, as if they had received messages through it. All I can say is that my 1992 Copyright registration is PROOF that I was the first recipient of the sign as far as I know, and the only one that wrote about the Chart of Six and “worked” it.


Paper holds everything including things that are not true. Therefore, if you decide to "work" or "examine" the relationships of entries in the Chart of Six, look at it as a set of probabilities. Use your power of reason and other people's opinions to believe or not believe in whatever "the Chart" seems to "suggest." Be careful.

If the Chart of Six is a true connection to a higher power, there are three possibilities: 1) it connects us to a Good Source, 2) it connects us to a Bad or Evil Source, 3) it does not connect us to anything and the correlations among entries there are the product of pure chance or coincidence. 

Because I received the 444 Sign through personal experiences (the account is in the book), I believe the Chart is a connection to a Good Source. 

However, YOU the reader as a potential or declared Ercian and I as your guide will only treat the Chart as AN EDUCATIONAL TOOL to analyze the possibilities among the correlations of entries. 

If the connection is real, long ago I let the traditional real or imaginary evil Devil in religious books know I rebuke him. 

If he exists, he is my enemy!

Joseph Marchante

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante