Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder






My experiences with the number 444 many years ago led me to find what I call "The Chart of Six."

Is the Chart of Six a possible link to Ellael, or if not to Ellael perhaps to a technologically advanced civilization, or to something programmed into Nature, programmed into the language we would be eventually speaking, in this case, the English (444 in the Chart) language?


As you read beyond the Introduction and examine the correlation of entries in the Chart, ask yourself the following: why do the entries "the Devil god" and "Heaven and Hell" both add up to 666?

If I apply the Chart formula to the phrase "There is a god" or question "Is there a god?" the result is number 666. Since the phrase "the Devil god" and "Heaven and Hell" also add up to 666, 

If the Chart is a real connection to some higher power or powers, the numerical relations of certain Chart entries could leave one wondering about what is true in terms of religion, but of course I did not create or derive my religion after I found the Chart or based on its interpretation. My analysis of the nature of ERC, our Ultimate and Foundational God was the product of reason and logic not faith. It happened before I found the Chart.

Judge the Ercian Religion not by whatever unfounded beliefs you may come up with after examining Chart of Six entries, but by all that is in my book, "Ercian Testament," in my other book "How to Practice the Ercian Religion," and by the words and values you find in the pages of this website, by all the Ercian religion supports and defends, including no less than our freedom, our human rights, and our blessed Republic of the United States and its Constitution!

Here are some Chart of Six entries:

Proligion Union = 1128

Jesus of Nazareth = 1128

Here is the Chart of Six:

A = 6 / B =12 / C = 18 / D = 24 / E = 30 / F = 36 / G = 42 / H = 48 /

I = 54 / J = 60 / K = 66 / L = 72 / M = 78 / N = 84 / O = 90 / P = 96 / Q = 102 / R = 108 / S = 114 / T = 120 / U = 126 / V = 132 / 

W = 138 / X = 144 / Y = 150 / Z = 156

The first name I applied the name to was "Jesus" and it came to 444, which was proof to me that the experiences I had had with that number starting three years earlier after writing my first manuscript had a connection to something "other-worldly." What a surprise when the name I used as my second selection also came to 444, that of "Lucifer," but then the name "Muhammad" also adds up to 444.

Those names would share the number 74 just using the number 1 for each letter of the English alphabet. I did not invent numbers or the English alphabet, so please do not blame me for correlation of entries you may find that go against what you believe.

Regardless, do not take the Chart too seriously because what you interpret is what you want to interpret, ripe for speculation, and there is no way to find whether you are right or wrong. You run into dead ends. However, it makes you think and consider possibilities that you can try to compare with what happens in the world.

The words one applies to the Chart are called “entries”:


Code of God = 18 + 90 + 24 + 30 + 90 + 36 + 42 + 90 + 24 = 444

god of Code = same result as above = 444 

Jesus = 60 + 30 + 114 + 126 + 114 = 444

Lucifer = 72 + 126 + 18 + 54 + 36 + 30 + 108 = 444

Cross = 18 + 108 + 90 + 114 + 114 = 444

Messiah = 78 + 30 + 114 + 114 + 54 + 6 + 48 = 444

Preacher = 96 + 108 + 30 + 6 + 18 + 48 + 30 + 108 = 444

Gospel = 42 + 90 + 114 + 96 + 30 + 72 = 444

Son god = 114 + 90 + 84 + 42 + 90 + 24 = 444

The King = 120 + 48 + 30 + 66 + 54 + 84 + 42 = 444

The USA = 120 + 48 + 30 + 126 +114 + 6 = 444

(444 x 4 = 1776, the year of American Independence)

Other 444 entries are: Who is? / Ruler / Lord Y / Who has? / The Key / The Lock / Jury / Jailers / Muhammad / Jihad War / nuclear / energy / weapon / dead zone / fire and ice / man guide / Why me? / a fighter / the Champ /

Joseph = 60 + 90 + 114 + 30 + 96 + 48 = 438

I am Ercian = 54 + 6 + 78 + 30 + 108 + 18 + 54 + 6 + 84 = 438

United = 126 + 84 + 54 + 120 + 30 + 24 = 438

Kingdom = 66 + 54 + 84 + 42 + 24 + 90 + 78 = 438

ERC-ELLAEL = 30 + 108 + 18 + 30 +72 + 72 + 6 + 30 + 72 = 438. The entry "God of God" also adds up to 438.

The Ercian = 120 + 48 + 30 + 30 + 108 + 18 + 54 + 6 + 84 = 498

Marchante = 78 + 6 + 108 + 18 + 48 + 6 + 84 + 120 + 30 = 498

Christian = 18 + 48 + 108 + 54 + 114 + 120 + 54 + 6 + 84 = 606

Ercian = 30 + 108 + 18 + 54 + 6 + 84 = 300

America = 6 + 78 + 30 + 108 + 54 + 18 + 6 = 300

Christian-Ercian = 606 + 300 = 906

Jesus Christ = 444 + 18 + 48 + 108 + 54 + 114 + 120 = 906

Inner Sanctum = 906

Proligion = 690 (you figure it out from now on)

A new world = 690

Religious = 690

Proligion Union = 1128

Jesus of Nazareth = 1128*

*If I had a Church, says I Joseph Marchante, it would be called "The Church of ERC-ELLAEL"

= 198 + 366 + 126 + 156 + 282 = 1128

SPECULATION: is it possible Jesus is with me? All we know about Jesus was written after he died. Does Jesus want me to continue his Christian work and complete the task making this a better world?



José Luis = 660

José Luis is my birth name, not Joseph, my adopted name when I became an American citizen. My full birth name is José Luis Francisco Marchante Rey. 

Occult = 444

The Alien = 444

The Devil god = 666

Heaven and Hell = 666

Santa Claus = 666 

(Have you been naughty or nice?)

The Alien Lord = 738

The Holy Bible = 738

The Book of ERC = 738

The Chart of Six = 936

The Chart of Earth = 936

Chart of the Devil = 936



The Lord Lucifer = 936

The Lord Jesus = 936

The Lord 444 = 936

Joseph Marchante = 936

The Number of a man = 936 

The Anti = 462

Christ = 462

Antichrist = 726 

("July 26" "Julio 26" the name of Fidel Castro's evil Communist Revolutionary Movement)

Father of Jesus = 918

King of Darkness = 918

The Devil, The Lord = 1002

The Supreme Being = 1002

Ercian Testament = 1002

The Angel of Justice = 1080


These are just a few entries, and a lot of speculation. Let us use the Chart as AN EDUCATIONAL TOOL that allows us to discuss varied themes and perhaps find new solutions to our problems, and even cures for some of the diseases that affect human beings.

Let us use the Chart as a tool to EXPLORE Mindspace. If it is a connection to the Good Lord, who knows what good surprises may be in store for us. If it is a connection to something Evil, then let God and the Power of Reason he created you with be the Shield and Sword you use for protection.


May the Chart of Six strengthen your faith in God, not diminish it! 

Joseph Marchante

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante