Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder





Note: These are only some of my Ercian prayers, but they are special as they emphasize the importance of the nuclear family whether in Heaven or on Earth.


 As an Ercian, I only communicate with good powers when I pray. In addition, I do not believe human beings can be "possessed." Therefore, I am not afraid of devils or demons or spirits that could overtake my mind or soul and make me do or act in a way that is not a product of my will, of my own volition.


          If a good Kingdom of God exists, as I propose the Kingdom of Ellael to be, I have chosen a Quaternity to represent the Family, or Divine Family, if you will. The names I have given the Quaternity are derived from the Christian tradition, my religion of earlier years, a religion and tradition which I consider part of my Family:


          Our Mother, María of Ellael

          Our Son, Jesus of Ellael

          Our Father, Yaseph of Ellael

          Our Daughter, Barbara of Ellael

NOTE: Those wishing to become Ercians but that were raised in a religious tradition other than Christian, may give each member of the Divine Family a name that is familiar to you OR use the generic forms:

Mother Ex Ellael, Son Ex Ellael, Father Ex Ellael, and Daughter Ex Ellael. The word "EX" carries the meaning "From" or "whose source is." Thus, Mother Ex Ellael, means Our Mother from Ellael or Our Mother whose Source is our Personal God and Holy Self ELLAEL.

Coming back now to the Christian tradition, my tradition, María is Spanish for Mary, mother of Jesus. The name Yaseph is symbolic for Joseph, father of Jesus, and the name Barbara from Catholic Saint Barbara (and Cuban) Santa Bárbara. I have a statue of now "Daughter Barbara" in my dining room altar where I do my morning and midday prayers, where I also have a crucifix and statues of Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus.


          Daughter Barbara is holding a cup in her right hand, the Cup of Our Houses, from which we receive everything that is good and wholesome in our lives. In her left hand, Daughter Barbara is holding a sword, the Sword of Our Houses, so that we may learn to defend ourselves with it to protect our families, our principles, and everything else we hold dear.


          The world is a two-way street. We may follow our first nature, a religious philosophy of love and peace in the lane we travel, but if those coming from the opposite direction do not act the same way but instead try to harm us, then we have no choice but to follow our second nature, the philosophy of the responsible Father or of the warrior Daughter if you will, once they are called upon to help us act in self-defense, responsibly and judiciously.




          For The Mother María   IMAY DONNAI

          For The Father Yaseph            ZADONNAI

          For The Son Jesus IZZO DONN

          For The Daughter Barbara      IZZA DONNA


          For The Holy Spirit        ERBA LUCERNA ZADONNAI

          For *The Fighting Spirit 

                                                  ABRE LUCERNA IBA IMAY DONNAI


          *The Fighting Spirit is a warring spirit. It is a Holy Spirit in the sense that it is necessary to allow Good to triumph over Evil. However, war can never be considered "Holy" because it brings death, misery and pain for the fallen, the injured, and their families. Unfortunately, war is sometimes necessary in defense of our lives, our principles, and our rights as human beings.


                             DAILY PRAYER


          All these prayers are done in the Name of God and through the Power of God.


          Imay Donnai, Our Mother, thanks for all our blessings, thanks to you and to the Lords and Ladies of Our Houses. Please be with us so that we may drink from the Cup of our Houses. Amen!


          Zadonnai, Our Father, thanks for all our blessings, thanks to you and to the Lords and Ladies of Our Houses. Please be with us so that we may defend ourselves with the **Sword of Our Houses. Xamen!

          **The Sword of Our Houses is a symbol that represents acts of self-defense. Ercians are law abiding citizens who do not solve disputes with swords or any other weapon, but only use such instruments when forced to do so in acts of self-defense.


          Izzo Donn and Izza Donna, Our Son and Our Daughter, thanks for all our blessings, thanks to you and to the Lords and Ladies of Our Houses. Please be with us so that you may guide our sons and daughters and our grandsons and granddaughters, so that they may become good citizens worthy of our Kingdom, and so you may protect them from All Evil. Amen!


In Spanish:


          Todas estas oraciones son hechas en el Nombre de Dios y a través del Poder de Dios.


          Imay Donnai, Madre Nuestra, gracias por todo lo concedido, gracias a usted y a los Señores y las Señoras de Nuestras Casas. Por favor esté con nosotros para que podamos beber de La Copa De Nuestras Casas. Amen!


          Zadonnai, Padre Nuestro, gracias por todo lo concedido, gracias a usted y a los Señores y Señoras de Nuestras Casas. Por favor esté con nosotros para que podamos defendernos con *la Espada de Nuestras Casas. Xamen!


          *La Espada de Nuestras Casas es un símbolo que representa actos de defensa propia. Los Ercianos somos ciudadanos que obedecemos las leyes y no resolvemos disputas con espadas ni ningún tipo de armas, pero solamente usamos esos tipos de instrumentos cuando estamos forzados a hacerlo en defensa propia.


          Izzo Donn e Izza Donna, Hijo nuestro e Hija nuestra, gracias por todo lo concedido, gracias a ustedes y a los Señores y Señoras de Nuestras Casas, por favor estén con nosotros para que guíen a nuestros hijos e hijas y a nuestros nietos y nietas para que ellos sean buenos ciudadanos dignos de Nuestro Reino, y protejanlos de Todo Mal. Amen!


          Que el Reino de Dios esté con ustedes!


          May the Ercian Kingdom of God be with you!


                              Joseph Marchante

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante