Joseph Marchante, Author and Founder



THE ERCIAN RELIGION, Guide to Proligion



WE BELIEVE IN ERC! Erc is God Foundational, the Base for everything that exists and that could exist in the future. Erc is the Infinite Source and Ultimate God. Erc is the Eternal. Erc is Infinite Space, Eternal Time and all Energy and Matter that exists. Erc is not a thinking being or spirit, not a person, not a conscious Creator. Logic proves that being Eternal is the factor that decides what God can be, and that it is impossible for a thinking being to have existed always.

ELLAEL (Shehe)

WE BELIEVE IN ELLAEL! Ellael is the name we use in the Ercian religion for our Personal God and Holy Self. Ellael is God Evolved from Erc. Ellael is Consciousness. Ellael is God Conscious. We believe “the mind,” human in our case, is the vehicle through which we can communicate or pray to Ellael, and vice versa.

On Earth, we decide who rules: The Lord or The Devil

"We," as executors of consciousness, make decisions that turn out to be good, evil or have no moral or ethical significance. Therefore, the Lord will rule in societies and worlds where collective decisions and actions bring peace, order and goodness, and the Devil will rule in societies and worlds where collective decisions and actions bring conflict, chaos, and badness.

Note that the way we humans think, and the actions we humans take here on Earth, are what determines whether or not good triumphs over evil in the different stages of our evolution as a race.

                                    THE KINGDOM OF ELLAEL

WE BELIEVE IN THE KINGDOM OF ELLAEL! This encompasses two meanings. The first and most important is our belief in what Christians know as Heaven, a place of joy and grace, and Hell, a place for unrest and despair. Where our souls go when we die will depend on how we conducted our lives here on Earth.

The second meaning of the Kingdom of Ellael is the possible existence, now or in the future, of a morally and technologically advanced civilization that has avoided self-extinction and prospered.

                                      THE LIFE ETERNAL

WE BELIEFE IN THE LIFE ETERNAL! As conscious beings, we root for consciousness, with the hope of life eternal, whether in active status conscious of the wonders of Erc-Ellael, or in dormant status resting from the vicissitudes and activity of a conscious existence. We place our trust in God.



Each Ercian is responsible for learning and applying the moral and ethical lessons necessary to be a good person and a productive member of society.

While the Bible was the book of my moral foundation, other religions have good (and bad) moral teachings also. No religious “holy” book contains God’s Word, Erc’s Word, that is. Since Erc is not a thinking being, that is an impossibility. Some of the teachings, commands and admonitions found in religious books are claimed to be "inspired" by Ellael, but in my opinion they just reflect the thoughts of those persons given the titles of prophets or messiahs.

I have never claimed giving you the Word of EllaEl in all that I have written. These have been words, words from my limited mind, words which I believe any good God would find rational and agreeable.

Truth is the Supreme Value. Without truth, we have nothing.

Reading through all the pages of this website will give you a good idea of what my values as an Ercian are. The website pages titled "Ercian Values" and "The Earthballs" may help you in your search for moral or life guidance.


WE BELIEVE IN PROLIGION! To be proligious is to overcome religious and political differences in order to work together for a better world by identifying and defeating the forces of evil that keep us divided and at war.

Copyright © 2022 by Joseph Marchante


  AVAILABLE AT AMAZON.COM: My "ORIGINAL" religion and philosophy are spelled out in the book "Ercian Testament" with the subtitle "The Teachings of Proligion and Ercian Philosophy." 

